Sunday 9 January 2011


Today was the day me and my dad drove my brother luke back to keele uni after he'd been at home 3 weeks for christmas. It's different to when he just stays for a weekend because i get used to him being here and now he's suddenly not. I even got three plates out for tea by accident and then realised it was just me and my dad eating! I'm just listening to eliza doolittle and drinking tea though so that should cheer me up. I took my dslr to keele so after we'd dropped him off me and my dad had a little stroll around the picturesque grounds..

This last one's from the way home. Sorry for the poor quality it was taken from a moving car but the sunset looked lovely. 

Saturday 8 January 2011

holy roll me over in the clover!

Well today i went with my dad to get a new bulb from Argos for the kitchen since last night the old one fell off and smashed. Luckily nobody was in the kitchen at the time! I then finished off my english homework. We're doing about a poem called 'Kid'. The title of this blog is a quote from the poem! I then tidied up the landing. Everything just gets dumped out there on top of the big book shelf so i recycled a lot of old paperwork, christmas cards and expired 'money off' vouchers. I then took these photos on a self timer in my brothers leeds united decorated room. They drew 1 - 1 with Arsenal today which is good considering Arsenal are in the league above them. We very nearly won too! Hope you are well..
love always,
kate xxx

Friday 7 January 2011

Today i was sent home an hour early from school because of the snow! :) i have spent my extra time on the computer.. woo how exciting! i also took this picture however..
it's of some of my favourite things! if you have never seen 'the lovely bones' i strongly reccommend it! it's a real tear jerker but it totally differen't to all the samey chick flicks i've seen (but i love those as well). hope you have a lovely weekend..

Tuesday 4 January 2011

i am in love..

look what i just discovered!
they are amazing! with them being levi's though they are rather pricey.. alas christmas has just gone and my birthday is not until june. i will have to be patient and forget about them for now.

Monday 3 January 2011

Well this is my first ever post & I'm writing it to exactly zero followers.. may seem pointless but I have to vent my thoughts somewhere! Today I have done nothing so far but soon I will be going for a leisurely stroll with my Dad and then popping over to see my dear nana. I don't really have many pictures to show you from today as it is not a very exciting day.. however I will just put up a couple pics of me to introduce myself! I have just received an amazing sony dslr cam for xmas so I am snapshotting like mad!